Frequently Asked Questions about the National Clean Investment Fund (NCIF) and Climate United’s Strategy

As of January 30, 2025

Disclaimer: The information contained in these FAQs is based on our current knowledge of the program parameters. We are continually receiving updated guidance, so all information is subject to change. Thank you for your patience as we digest, translate, and disseminate new information as it becomes available. 

About Climate United

The Inflation Reduction Act authorized the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to implement the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) —a historic $27B program that uses financing to reduce emissions while creating health and economic benefits for underserved, rural, and low-income communities. The $14B National Clean Investment Fund (NCIF) program is part of the GGRF and was created to deliver affordable, accessible financing to clean technology projects. Climate United was awarded $6.97B. The two other programs that are a part of the GGRF are the $6 billion Clean Communities Investment Accelerator and the $7 billion Solar for All program. 

About The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

Climate United Financial Products

Community Lenders

Program Compliance Requirements

Market Building And Predevelopment

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